The verity lies beyond the maks in Pathfinder. Then’s how to complete the A Grand Masquerade hunt in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous A Dance of Masks. Pathfinder WOTR Dance of Masks A Grand Masquerade walkthrough companion, explained The A Grand Masquerade is the main hunt that engulfs utmost of the story content in A Dance of Masks, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous’s rearmost and last DLC. As you might anticipate, this will be a enough long companion that will only concentrate on the hunt and wo n’t cover any of the side searches that appear during your peregrination or other types of content like the new archetypes or munitions introduced in A Dance of Masks. Anticipate major spoilers moving forward. You have been advised. Pathfinder WOTR Dance of Masks entering the assignation The A Dance of Masks DLC story content will spark right after the launch of Chapter 5. trip to the Citadel in Drezen and rest for three days. Arsinoe also will visit you and deliver you an assignation to Kenabres. A jubilee will be taking place in festivity of the zealots, with you being the guest of honor. She’ll also give you half of a strange coin you know nothing about. Screenshot PC Invasion Now that you have been invited to join the festivity, head to Kenabres and fight any adversaries you come through along the way. After all, it’s a long way to Kenabres if you want to rock and roll. You’ll want to go to the Old City Gates position since this is where the whole jubilee is taking place. Screenshot PC Invasion Pathfinder WOTR Dance of Masks Arriving at Kenabres One of the very effects that you’ll do formerly you arrive at Kenabres is n’t take part in the jubilee’s conditioning or buy yourself a corndog, but rather speak to a so- called “ Nice Old Lady ” who’ll offer what media has tutored old ladies love the most pussycats. She’ll contend on you having one so you might as well accept it. No, this does n’t change effects in the long run but it’s nice to have a furry friend follow you around with no ulterior reason – yeah, commodity’s strange but do n’t worry about it yet. Screenshot PC Invasion Next over, a couple of townsfolk will be mooting about which type of flags should they put up as a decoration. You can choose the Commander’s totem, a various pattern, or indeed a beer as the flag’s totem. You can be as Chaotic as you want, but I would choose the Commander’s totem. After all, it matches the whole theme of the jubilee, right? Screenshot PC InvasionScreenshot PC Invasion Anyway, right after you move down the stairs you’ll see a guard not allowing a trafficker an entry to the jubilee. Said trafficker will tell you to meet him latterly at the forecourt’s surroundings. He’ll vend you some magic particulars and spells, so I guess the guard was right in not letting him enter, right? Screenshot PC Invasion Walk around past the huge line of jubilee attendants and you’ll see a Wizard prestidigitator using spells to depict the Commander’s topmost achievements in a veritably comical way. Some guards will try to seize him under the dubitation
that he’s using magic to summon these ghost- suchlike fancies. You can move them of the negative and indeed use some of your Arcana knowledge, tactfulness, or Intimidation to make the guards go down. A nice way of paying homage to your once palms. Screenshot PC Invasion Time to face one of humanity’s worst adversaries standing in line for hours and hours. All of the commerce in the whole section ahead and including the line relations are rigorously part play so have as important fun as you want. Screenshot PC Invasion Whether you stay in line, decide to shove all of the townsfolk, or indeed prove to the folks in line that you’re the real Commander, you’ll meet the Herald, a masked man who’s completely not a suspicious character who’s the host of the jubilee. He’ll give you a warm hello to Kenabres and also you’ll enter the square and be part of the fests. Screenshot PC Invasion Once you arrive at the forecourt, a Commander look- likewise will take the stage and will ask for some voluntary donations for the war. He’s nothing but a scammer, so your character will take a bit of a hit along with your pride. also, a dimmed man will walk over to you. Screenshot PC Invasion This man is Rovus, a mysterious figure with a terrible cough who you’ll discover has the other half of the coin you entered from Arsinoe. His illness is an act and he’s the head of the Eagle Watch chapter in Kenabres. He’s largely suspicious of the jubilee and its organizers, but he wo n’t have any further information for you. Screenshot PC Invasion Pathfinder WOTR Dance of Masks Traveling to the Echo of Fury arena If you suppose meeting one strange character was enough weirdness for a day, also a strange shadow- suchlike figure named Drimo will arrive at the forecourt. He’s the slavey of the Echo of Fury arena and he’ll take you and your companions to it. Screenshot PC Invasion Once you arrive at the arena, you’ll be met by Lord Zuset Ekhox Zego, the proprietor of both the arena and a name I noway allowed
was possible to conceive indeed in the wildest of imaginations. He’ll fete your power and will test you with two obligatory fights with some comers and Zovra and Arvoz. Screenshot PC Invasion Once you beat both fights, he’ll say that there are three further that you can attack now or go back to Kenabres to continue with the fests. You can stay then and battle Nosferatu, The Magic Pranksters, and Aslynn, but there’s no penalty if you decide to go back to Kenabres since Drimo will be there. You can interact with him to be teleported back to the Echo of Fury arena throughout the A Dance of Masks story. Screenshot PC Invasion Pathfinder WOTR Dance of Masks Back in Kenabres, companion events Once you get back to the square and the jubilee, you’ll be assigned with checking on each of your companions which will spark particular events. Some of them have engaged in veritably various conditioning that you can take part in if you humor them and not envenom their intentions, as dark and devious as they may be. else, you’ll miss them entirely. I’ll list the bones
that appeared in my journal, but they might be different depending on which companions you have signed . Daeran jubilee event Starting with Daeran, you’ll find that he’s running a Daeran reproduction contest. He’ll hail you and ask you to come the guest judge for the contest. We will, of course, accept said honor, as absurd and superficial as it may be. Screenshot PC Invasion There are four contest finalists. A man that might as well be Daeran thanks to his indefectible station reproduction – perhaps he’s that way in real life, who knows –, a woman that also plays a decent Daeran, an Orc that’s having the time of his life thanks to the quantum of alcohol in his blood and a little boy who is, well, a boy. There’s also a cat which you can choose as the winner but he’ll be disqualified by Daeran. Screenshot PC InvasionScreenshot PC Invasion You can choose to interact with each competitor to get a more accurate print of their, well, prints, or you can just elect one at arbitrary. The choice wo n’t count because Daeran will just pick the woman no matter what in the expedients of having a hot date. She’s wedded and will turn him down, but Daeran will still declare her the contest winner. Screenshot PC InvasionScreenshot PC Invasion Arueshalae jubilee event Time to see what Arueshalae is over to. She’s alone on one of the thoroughfares next to the forecourt, and when you talk to her she’ll both be amazed by the fests and a bit overwhelmed. She just wants to be one amongst them but she’s fearful that she wo n’t know what to say and how to bear – which arguably is a problem due to her recent demon- to-mortal conversion. Encourage her to try and interact with people at the jubilee and you’ll start her particular event named prostrating Fears. Screenshot PC InvasionScreenshot PC Invasion To overcome her fears you’ll have to visit three different groups in the jubilee to make her interact with them. The order is over to you. The first group I interacted with is a couple that wo n’t stop fighting thanks to some minor disguise malfunctions – they fight over a button, I mean, come on people. Both you and Arueshalae will be amazed by their arguing capacity but will leave them be. Screenshot PC Invasion The alternate group will be a fellowship of characters that have chosen Arueshalae as their disguise because she’s their favorite companion. This is a great way to discover the reasons why they chose Arueshalae and to make Arueshelae interact with them. You can indeed move her to reveal her identity, making them agitated but willing to keep their secret at the same time. Finish talking to them and Arueshalae will notice a little girl looking at her from a distance. Screenshot PC Invasion The final group will be a set of townsfolk who are using manual disguises due to their lack of finances for more precious accoutrements . Arueshalae will encourage them and will authentically love their costumes in malignancy of them not being the most visually impacting on the jubilee. Screenshot PC Invasion When you have interacted with all the groups, the girl we saw ahead will approach. She’s Valisa and she looks at Arueshalae as her idol. When asked why she had n’t approached ahead, she’ll answer that she was hysterical of approaching but ultimately decided to do so because fear would help meaningful gemütlichkeit from being born. This connects with Arueshalae and she decides to spend time with Valisa and take a walk with her. Screenshot PC Invasion Woljif jubilee event Woljif has set up a shot of precious particulars that are, of course, magic contrivances